A journey to encounter the "divinity" within you

In Japan, the world's oldest country with a 2,600-year history.
Rediscovering the meaning of life
SBNR JAPAN provides the special trip that your spirit is awakened to. You can undergo the special program that you can experience only here
Holy Land × ART × Retreat

Re-experience Birth
special screening society
World Women's Conference
Special Screening for the 130th Anniversary of the Enthronement of Kumano Hongu Taisha.
Special Screening Commemorating the 1250th Anniversary of the Birth of Kobo Daishi Kukai.
EXPO Hall, Osaka, Kansai Expo Grand Expo Hall to be held.
Koyasan, a gateway to cosmic oneness. Kumano, a sacred land of rebirth. These revered sites in Japan have been chosen to unveil a mesmerizing 25-minute art video, a journey through the infinite embrace of the universe. This breathtaking work, crafted to evoke the timeless unity of all things, will be screened exclusively for you—a rare invitation to step into the vastness of the cosmos and experience its profound oneness.
熊野本宮大社 正遷座130周年記念特別上映
Holy Land

Held in special commemoration of the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo-Daishi Kukai.
LIFE Exhibition
- Warmth I Remember -
To commemorate the 1,250th anniversary of the birth of Kobo-Daishi Kukai, the ‘Inochi Exhibition’ was held in the ‘Okuden’ VIP room, which is normally closed to visitors. This ‘Inochi Exhibition’ is a mystical worldview, embodying the esoteric world of Kukai's teachings. Visitors are invited to enter this hidden realm and feel the profound messages woven into it. This remarkable exhibition is opened especially for you and the artist himself will guide you through its meaning.
弘法大師空海御誕生1250年特別記念として、通常非公開 貴賓室「奥殿」で展示された「いのち展」。その領域は神秘の世界であり、空海が言い伝えた密教の世界が表現されています。そこに秘められたメッセージを音楽と特別な空間の中で体感します。このいのち展をあなただけに特別展示し、作者自ら説明いたします。

guide for this special program
Masahiko Hashimot
The works of Masahiko Hashimoto have garnered widespread acclaim as profound experiences connecting with the source of life and embracing a sense of cosmic oneness. In 2023, at the World Heritage Site of Koyasan’s Kongobuji Temple—revered as a sacred place of rebirth in Wakayama—a special 1,250th-anniversary celebration for Kobo Daishi Kukai was held, where the film LIFE Inochi and the Inochi Exhibition were presented in the exclusive VIP room, the “Okuden,” a space normally closed to the public. Additionally, at the World Heritage Site of Kumano Hongu Taisha, a sacred dedication screening was held to celebrate the shrine’s 130th anniversary of relocation, touching audiences with its deep spiritual resonance. Looking ahead, in 2025, the message of LIFE Inochi will reach even more people as it will be featured in the main hall of the Osaka-Kansai Expo.
In the SBNR JAPAN program, Hashimoto himself will be your guide, inviting you into an extraordinary journey of unity with the universe. Through this program, which enables a true experience of oneness with all existence, we sincerely hope to bring a new richness and depth to your life.
この度、SBNR JAPANプログラムにおいては、橋本自身がご案内役を務め、皆様を特別な体験へとお連れいたします。万物との一体感を体感するこのプログラムが、皆様の人生をさらに豊かに彩る一助となることを願っております。

special Program

Awakening Program
Embark on a Journey of Self-Discovery and Transformation.
Experience the Art of Controlling Cosmic Energy – A Journey Awaits for Your Soul and Body to Awaken.

The sacred site of syncretism between Shinto and Buddhism in Japan

Our two patterns of retreats
1 オーダメイドリトリートプラン 日程・場所ご相談受け付けます
Ordered retreat plan
Dates and locations are available on request.
2 SBNR JAPANが企画するスペシャルリトリート
Special retreats organised by SBNR JAPAN